
Showing posts from November, 2017


For several years, the fashion model the majority of us have become most accustomed with is the fast fashion movement. Think of Zara with their lead time of just days from design to shop-floor, or Primark with their pile high and sell cheap strategy. The fact is, as consumers we’ve been conditioned to want more and to want it for less. However, cracks are appearing in this archetype as consumers come to reject fast fashion on both moral and environmental grounds, not to mention the renewed strive for a quality level not widely associated with the fast movement.  It’s a small turning of the tide, but it’s rapidly gaining momentum and has many in the fashion industry questioning just exactly what lies ahead for the future of fashion . Here we break down the three biggest factors influencing today’s most common fashion model as we know it. The end of over consumption “Does this spark joy?” Marie Koni picture by: Igor Ovsyannykov The fast fashion movement pivots on keeping


The start-up scene for fashion brands in the UAE is getting bigger and bigger, with local and independent retailers delivering unique and innovative designs that challenge the offerings of well-known, multi-national brands. However starting up a fashion business in the UAE is not an easy task. Not only do designers face tough competition from other local designers but also international brands with huge market shares. Whilst many designers in Dubai have the passion and skills to create beautiful clothing, they often lack the business knowledge and support networks to execute their plans and make their fashion brands a success. The gaps in the UAE Market In order for fashion start-up brands to be successful, designers have to complete the tricky task of spotting a gap in the UAE market. A lot of research is required to make sure your product is special and different from the hundreds of other collections out there. Remember you are not only com